Saturday, November 3, 2012

Redneck Wine Glasses

This is evidently the new craze, and new DIY project. Okay...let's talk about the cost of these suckers if you buy them off of the Internet. I've seen them listed anywhere from $8.99 to $15.00 a piece. That's outrageous considering what it costs to make these bad boys. Plus...who wants to buy just one? You never should be a solitary redneck.

A box of 12 Mason Jars (16oz) can be found for $10.35...I'll give you a second to do the math. Got it? Yep...that is roughly $.86 cents a jar. WAIT! I've got one even better for's quite possible that your friend down the street has one or two and will give them to the math...that's called FREE. Or maybe you've got some leftover from Jim Bob and Darlene's wedding shower that you threw for them last month. Upcycle people.  
Moving right along. Now we need to take a look at the candlestick holders. We aren't talking Waterford, and if you are, then let's be shouldn't be drinking out of a Mason Jar, let alone attaching it to one. Go to your local Dollar Store or Dollar can get the Glass Taper Candles for like $1.00 a piece. You may have to buy 12 though.

Now comes the glue. Watch're gonna have to drop about $2.00 for this stuff. Seriously out...this stuff will glue your skin together. Best to wear protective gear.

Okay. So now you have the 3 things needed to make your Redneck Wine Glass. This is what you do. Put glue on the top of the candlestick holder, on the bottom of the Mason Jar, and then put them on top of each other. Let it sit for quite a bit....don't rush in to use them right away. Follow the directions on the back of the Super Glue for how long you should wait.

Ready for a little more math?? You bought enough stuff to make 12 of these glasses. If you bought them online, which you would probably get 4, you would spend at the least somewhere in the $30 dollar range. If you make them get 12 of them for $24.35. Which comes to just a little over  $2.00/piece.  Ahhh...doesn't that adult beverage taste a little bitter now? It could even cost less if you were making the 1/2 pint wine glasses. Now you have a wonderful gift for that Christmas time gift exchange that you were supposed to spend $25 on. OR you're kicking yourself for purchasing these online for a jacked up price...either way...

Happy drinking!

Friday, November 2, 2012


You all know that you can go out and spend your hard earned cash to pay for "Print at Home" Invitations. You can also search the wonderful world of the Internet to have some printed for you. Why? Why shell out the big bucks when you can design them yourself. takes some of your precious time, but what you're left with is...well...precious. Plus, it sure feels good when you have a finished product.
Yes...I blocked out the address and phone number.
Come on people...we don't need strangers at our pig party.
This is way too easy to pay for people. Do you have any kind of software? Any at all? Usually all computers come with some sort of paint. But, even if they don't, a really good one to have is anything Adobe...Photoshop is great but all of these can get a little expensive. If you're just starting out...go with something a little less expensive to make sure you are "in it to win it".

I'm not going to go in to the "how to make a birthday invite with Adobe Photoshop" can google that. However, I will tell you that all it is is basic layers, colors, and whatever font you can find. If you need further instruction, just hit me up with a comment and I'll help you out. Hint: Size 5x7, first rectangle is on the base and the second one sits right on top of it. The images can get a little trickier though. These are called "vectors" or you can use clip art. As far as I know, you aren't selling these bad boy steal some off of another site.

Now take a look at what I've done above. A little glitter paper, glue dots, and a ribbon and I've got a invitation to be proud of.

Happy Inviting!